5 Essential Real Estate Professionals Who Can Help You Sell Your Next Property Even Faster 

In buy-and-hold investing, you typically want to hold on to a property for as long as it remains profitable to do so. This way you can earn the maximum profit that the property can earn you. However, when it is time to sell, you want that property off your hands as quickly as possible to avoid your profits taking a hit. 

So, what can you do to get a property onto the market and off of your hands as quickly as possible? Fortunately for you, there are countless real estate professionals whose jobs are designed specifically to help you find the best available buyer for your property in the shortest period of time.

Before we dive in, we cannot understate the importance of a mortgage broker as a member of your team of real estate professionals. After all, whether you are buying, selling, refinancing or renovating properties, your finances are going to play a large role. To connect with a real estate broker with a history of proven results, click the link below to book a free strategy call today.

Listing Agent 

The first real estate professional you want to turn to any time you are selling a property is a realtor. By hiring a realtor as your listing agent, you are gaining access to all of their resources that they use to sell properties all the time. While it can be tempted to forgo hiring a realtor in favour of listing a property yourself, there are some key disadvantages to deciding not to hire a listing agent. 

For starters, only 6 per cent of FSBO properties (for sale by owner) are listed on the multiple listing service (MLS) because only licensed realtors and brokerages are permitted to list properties on it. This means that the number of people who will see your listing is significantly lower if you do not use an agent. 

As well, realtors often have a network of other agents and clients who are looking for properties all the time, so if you do not use one you are missing out on the easy connection to potential buyers coming over directly from your realtor. 

Contractor or Handyman 

Buyers are not typically looking for homes that they are going to have to immediately spend money on repairing. So, in order to attract buyers to you listing even faster, you are going to want a real estate professional who can make the property look as good as new. 

While the shows on channels such as HGTV make repairs and renovations look quick and simply, it is usually more worthwhile to hire a handyman or contractor to do the work. After all, the real estate professional will usually have the skills and experience to do the work faster than you would if you tackled the job yourself. Just be sure to have a clear picture of the work you need completed and the budget you can allocate to it before you hire out the job. 

As well, these are people you will definitely want to work with again. So, make sure you pay them fairly and communicate what you need to have completed as clearly as possible. Not only does it make you look more like an experienced real estate professional and more approachable, but satisfied workers are also often faster and more efficient to work with overall. 

Staging Company 

Staging companies are like magic. No matter how empty and barren a home may be, staging companies have a way about making a home feel alive by the time the open house begins. Between furniture and decoration options and a keen eye for style, the interior designers and decorators who work at staging companies are well known for helping a property get sold as quickly as possible. 

Fortunately for you, many listing agents have close professional relationships with staging companies and will often suggest hiring one before you list the property to maximize your odds of getting offers right away. 

A well-staged property feels warmer and more inviting to buyers which can have untold benefits. 

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Alternatively, to finding a listing agent, some people opt into using a wholesaler when selling their property. This is more common among distressed properties that are harder to sell. 

Essentially, this real estate professional buys the contract to sell the property at the asking price and then goes out to secure a buyer to purchase the property at a higher rate and pockets the difference. This can be incredibly useful for hard-to-sell real estate because instead of waiting for buyers to take interest, the wholesaler secures the buyer themselves. 

Marketing Coordinator 

In sales, marketing is key. If your property does not look good and stand out to buyers, you are not going to close the sale. So, it may be beneficial to hire a marketing coordinator to get the word out about your property. 

While some larger brokerages may have their own marketing, but if they do not, it may be worthwhile to hire your own. This real estate professional will typically arrange for photos and videos be taken to show off your property to potential buyers. They will also arrange for professional copy to be written for the listing that will maximize the SEO and reach of your property. 

Real Estate Professional Reminder: Don’t Always Take the First Offer 

When you are looking to sell a property quickly, it can be tempting to take the first offer you are given. However, it is important to wait for at least a handful of offers to come in before you accept so you know you are taking the best deal on the property that suits you. 

In the cycle of real estate sellers are almost always going to become buyers again, so when you do buy, you want to be certain you have the best mortgage financing available to you. Luckily, our team at LendCity is equipped to help you get just that. With our wide network of lenders, we can take your application and compare it to a variety of mortgage products in order to get you the best available rate and financing possible. 

So, it you are ready to get started, give us a call at 519-960-0370 or you can visit us online at LendCity.ca and fill out our easy online mortgage application. Alternatively, click the link below for a free strategy call.

4 Real Estate Professionals Every Investor Should Have In Their Corner, With Scott Dillingham
