6 Great Tips to Make Your Property Appealing to Buyers

When someone is ready to buy a home, they’re likely going to see several pieces of property before making a decision. Even the slightest problems could make your house less appealing to these potential buyers. To make the most money on your investment, it’s important to take care of any maintenance issues and repairs. You’ll also want your property to look great both inside and outside.  

Consider what potential buyers want when preparing your investment for showings. If you were looking for the perfect home, what would you want to see during a showing? What would make your property appealing than all the other homes you’ve seen? Follow the tips listed below and your property is sure to stand out against the competition.

Now, many of these tips require you to spend money to make your property appealing. So, instead of paying out of pocket, book a free strategy call with us to learn how you can make the property pay for itself as you make your property appealing at the link below.

No one wants a dirty home

This is the most basic tip to make your house appealing, but don’t underestimate its importance. Keeping your property clean is easy and will work wonders towards attracting buyers. Depending on the size of your property, it’s possible to do all the cleaning on your own. Vacuum the carpets, keep windowsills free from dust and remove all stains from floors and counters. Make a checklist of things to clean on a routine basis. This will ensure that your property is always prepared for showings.

You might also consider hiring a professional cleaning company. Professionals are usually better at spotting stains and random spots of dirt. Someone within your network might have a great recommendation for a local cleaning company, so tap your local resources to make your property appealing by cleaning it properly.

Take care of maintenance issues

Even the smallest problems are enough for some buyers to consider another property. This can include cracked paint, stained carpets, slight rust on faucets and more. Most of these issues were likely taken care of during renovations, but it’s easy to miss certain things that could make your property appealing. Conduct inspections of your property every so often. This will help you catch anything that wasn’t taken care of during renovations.

You might also consider making a running list of all your property’s maintenance issues. Certain parts of your property need routine maintenance. Good landscaping, for example, helps with curb appeal and helps some properties stand out from the competition. It’s important that landscaping be taken care of on a routine basis, too. Keep the grass cut, weeds removed and bushes trimmed. Having a professional landscaping company visit your property from time to time could help save time and make your property appealing much easier.

Even after renovations, some parts of your property could still need repairs. Make sure to routinely check the plumbing and electricity. You don’t want to be showing your property and suddenly realize that the lights won’t turn on or the toilets won’t flush after all, broken toilets wont make your property appealing.

Don’t go overboard with decorations

It’s easy to go overboard with decorations when trying to stand out. Too many decorations can give your property a cluttered feel. You want your property to appear as though it has plenty of space for buyers to include their own decorations, furniture and personality.

Whenever you’re done decorating, take a hard look at the property. The décor should appeal to an average buyer, not just your personal tastes—simple and modern is always best. You might consider having a friend visit the property and getting their opinion. Your realtor can also offer a critical eye as to what will make your property appealing.

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Choose the right paint

Paint can make or break a property for potential buyers, even if they don’t realize it. If a buyer’s least favourite colour is green, they might be averse to buying a home with green paint covering the walls. It’s usually best to go with a neutral colour for the interior of your property, like a soft white or tan. These neutral colours allow buyers to picture how they’d paint the walls which can make your property appealing to more buyers.

Play to your property’s strengths to make your property appealing

Even if your property is older or smaller than other options in the area, you could easily play to its strengths. With smaller properties, try to play up the “cozy” aspect. Make sure all the rooms have plenty of natural light and include smaller pieces of furniture. You might also decorate the area with beautiful rugs to give visitors a feeling of warmth. The right decorations and paint could make all the difference!

There are plenty of ways to make your property appealing, even to buyers interested in modern homes. Be sure to inform all buyers that all the appliances and amenities in the home have been properly maintained. You might also consider updating certain aspects of the property, like faucets, toilets and bathtubs. Try not to go overboard, as many buyers prefer homes with an older, more rustic vibe.

Don’t forget to mention all the amenities located near your property. If your property is nearby any local parks or schools, most buyers with young children will want to know. Younger buyers might be interested in any restaurants, coffee shops or shopping options within walking distance. It’s important to do proper research on your property’s neighbourhood as this will give you plenty of excellent selling points. A good real estate agent can also inform you of all amenities located in the nearby area.

Find the right real estate agent

A real estate agent will be more experienced than you in showing properties to potential buyers. Local agents especially will know what buyers in the area are looking for. They can help decorate and present your property in a way that plays to its strengths. You’ll also get the best advice on talking to buyers from an experienced real estate agent.

If there are many qualified real estate agents in your area, finding the right one could seem a bit challenging. Make a small list of potential real estate agents in your area, then do your research. Look at their experience and possibly their reviews. It’s also a good idea to speak with several agents and see who you connect with the best.

Trying to make your property appealing to buyers can take some time and energy—but it’ll be worth it when your home sells at a high profit.

Of course, if you would like to learn how to use the property to pay for all of the work you are going to do in order to make your property appealing, we can help with a free strategy call at the link below.

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