Build a Strong Investor-Attraction Website With These 6 Features: Raising Capital

This content is provided in partnership with Dave Dubeau. For more information, you can visit him HERE.

If you’re a real estate investor, having a web presence is a must. People associate websites with professionalism and know-how. Besides that, potential investors will want to look you up before meeting you to get a better sense of who you are and what you do.

In addition to an investor-attraction website, there are other useful tools you’ll want to investigate, including automated email sequences, videos, blogs, and video blogs.

Creating an Investor-Attraction Website

Unless you’re exceptionally talented at creating a great-looking website from a low or no-code platform (most of us aren’t), your best bet is to hire a web designer to create a site for you.

You can hire a local web designer, but this may be costly. Another option is to outsource using a service such as While this will probably cost you less, things you may want to consider are language barriers and time differences.

You will want to be able to make tweaks to your website on your own. And it’s wise to have a Plan B in place if your original project doesn’t pan out (for example, the designer goes out of business unexpectedly).

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Critical Features of a Strong Investor-Attraction Website


For best results, choose a responsive design for your website. Responsive design ensures that your website will adapt well to different-sized screens and devices, making your site easy to use on a mobile device. People are increasingly using their phones to find information as opposed to their desktops and laptops. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you will lose half your viewers.


People like to get to know the person with whom they’re working. They want to see you, make eye contact, and shake your hand. If you can’t meet them in person, the next best thing is video. Since few other investors put videos on their websites, having them on yours is an advantage.

Blog or Vlog

Make sure your website has blogging/ vlogging capability. A blog is like an online, public journal. A vlog is the same thing, except instead of written content, you use videos to tell your story.

Contact Capture

This is the form on a website that a person fills out when they want more information about something on the website or for the owner of the site to contact them.

Automated Email Responder Sequences

The best thing to do when someone opts in to your investor-attraction website is to respond immediately with a series of automated emails that contact the recipient every two to three days for about a month. The tone of the emails should be light and conversational, as the purpose is to build a relationship so the person gets to know and trust you. You can use the emails to describe your investment program, style of investing, area where you invest, and so on.

QR Code

QR codes are easier than remembering URLs because all you have to do is scan them with your phone, and viola! There you are on an investor-attraction website.

Want to take a deeper dive into what you learned in this article and more?  Interested in Raising Capital to Grow Your Property Portfolio?  If so, grab a free copy of my
book “The Money Partner Formula” and I’ll show you how to access as much investor
Capital as you need to buy as many properties as you want.

Now that you know how to build a website to attract investors, click the link below for a free strategy call to help you take the next step.

8 Capital Activators Part 1