Build Your Investing Career on a Strong Foundation of Principles in 2023

Real estate investing is a business like any other. If you’re not fully committed to the success of your business and the satisfaction of your customers, your investment endeavour likely won’t do very well. That’s why the principles on which you found your investing career are so important.

The best real estate investors are goal-driven individuals committed to making their business a success. Successful investors are detail-oriented, yet capable of seeing the larger picture. The best investors combine skill, intuition and a principled base of business to create ethical, profitable businesses.

Investing in real estate is a great way to generate income, but it isn’t necessarily going to be easy. You have to have a clear idea of what you want out of your investments, and the steps you’re willing and able to take to get there. Prospective real estate investors need to possess a thorough understanding of themselves and their own goals and objectives before beginning your investing career.

At the end of the day, you have two primary responsibilities as an investor. First, you need to make money for yourself. Second, you have to do right by your business partners, including your customers. All the principles you incorporate into your business model should account for these two motivations.

But first, if you want to start you investing career off on the right foot, let us help you by setting you up with the best available financing. For more information, click the link below to book a free strategy call with our today today.

Principles of successful real estate investors

There are a few key principles successful real estate investors possess and implement into their investing career strategies. Here are just some of the most noteworthy traits:


There are few things more important to successful real estate investing than perseverance. You have to be able to push through even the most challenging business environments until you achieve success. The best real estate investors know a deal is never perfect. They can always work a little bit harder and make it a little bit better.


Few things lead to burn-out faster than investing in real estate. To successfully invest in real estate, you have to love what you do without any caveats. If you’re not obsessed with finding the next deal or providing your tenants with superior living experience, you should find a more passive investment vehicle.


Once you get an investment property up and running, there may be very little you have to worry about to keep it operating smoothly. During the initial run-up period, however, you’ll be pushing long hours and possibly pulling some strings to get the property financed, renovated and leased. You have to possess the discipline necessary to make this work.


The best real estate investors are creative. You have to be able to see the value in deals others may overlook. To truly make your investing career, you have to be willing to think and operate outside of the box. Pursue deals that may otherwise seem impossible.

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Skills of successful real estate investors

Investing in real estate requires a certain number of skills, outside of core principles. While most of these skills can be cultivated over time, the best investors already possess a keen sense of intuition. You have to be able to identify properties in-line with your investment objectives and determine the best way to move forward with an acquisition in question. Here are just a few of the most significant skills successful real estate investors possess:


It’s exceptionally important to have a strong working knowledge of the local market and the factors that define it before investing in real estate. You have to be able to read market reports and quickly digest their information. If you don’t have a knowledge framework to assist your investing career, consider taking classes before you get started.

Understanding of human behaviour

At the end of the day, your ability to interpret and understand human behaviour will define your real estate investing career. You have to be able to predict what property sellers will do, what other investors will do and what your tenants will do. This will give you a leg up over the competition, and allow you to make smart, canny decisions.

Ability to bargain

Do you have the communications skills necessary to drive a hard deal? If not, work on cultivating them. You need to be able to bargain, both as a property purchaser as well as a landlord. The ability to bargain is integral to any successful investing career. This skill will serve you well when there’s money on the line.

Management skills

The best real estate investors know delegating tasks and responsibilities is a core part of what makes them successful. You have to have strong management skills, as well as the confidence to delegate tasks. If you’re not delegating responsibilities to staff members and contractors, you’ll find yourself burnt-out before you even really begin.

Cultivating positive traits

These principles and skills don’t come naturally to everyone. You may have to work to cultivate them over time. Cultivating positive traits in yourself may seem like a nearly impossible task. Cultivating traits requires you to make conscious, daily decisions about your attitude and behaviour.

People exemplifying positive traits make an intentional decision to remain cheerful and resolute in the face of trying circumstances. As an investor, you have to be ready and willing to deal with anything the real estate industry may throw your way.

Cultivating positive traits will also, require you to exercise discipline. Real estate investing can be expensive, and may become time-consuming. Be prepared to make sacrifices for the success of your investing career. While these sacrifices may sting, they’ll ultimately pay off as you make the move toward financial independence.

Real estate investing isn’t always easy, but it is always worthwhile. If you’re willing to put the time and effort necessary into your investing career, while also cultivating the positive traits that make for a good investor, you have real potential to make real estate investing a worthwhile business endeavour.

Now, if you want to start you investing career off on the right foot, let us help you by setting you up with the best available financing. For more information, click the link below to book a free strategy call with our today today.

Build Your Investing Career On A Strong Foundation of Principles, With Scott Dillingham