No Money? No Problem! Make Your First Million Dollars With Real Estate in 2023 With This Amazing Book

Author Lyn Lebeau, in her book, “No Money? No Problem! Make Your First Million Dollars With Real Estate” shares her journey into real estate and how she jump-started 18 deals in 12 months. Lyn discusses a variety of topics, such as overcoming fears and taking the most appropriate steps to have a successful career in real estate. Lyn brings you back to College with a biology lesson, where she explains parts of the brain, and the natural human reaction called “fight or flight”.

However, before we dive into the lessons taught in the book, if you would like to hear clear examples of how to invest in real estate with no money, slick the link below for a free strategy call today.

No Money? No Problem!

“Most people think you need money to invest in real estate, and I had none. I used other people’s money, and the banks' money.” -Lebeau

Lyn shares how she was employed with a company making six figures, but the business had signs of bankruptcy within the year. Lyn was faced with decisions on how she could find a way to maintain her six-figure income. Before this, one of her longtime friends approached her regarding investment property. Together they embarked on a journey into real estate, they would close on two deals together, and then that was it for a time. Once things started heading south at her previous occupation, Lyn decided it was time to do more of “this” (real estate). That is when the 18 deals in 12 months began.

Lyn knew if she was going to succeed in real estate, she needed to learn fast, and she needed to learn from the best. She joined a real estate boot camp, had many coaching sessions, and participated in multiple courses to get where she is today. Lyn even had a coach to get her through writing this book.

“What stops most people is fear, I think for most people it’s not the lack of money, it’s the fear part. In my book, I talk about my two-strategy combo and this is how I managed to do 18 deals in 12 months.” -Lebeau

Lyn is completely transparent about her ups and downs in real estate, including issues with team members, investments, and tenants.

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“Your team is a really big part of your real estate journey. Whether you are going to be successful or not, if you don’t have the right team behind you, you’re not going to be able to close on 18 deals in 12 months."- Lebeau

Countless times, you will notice the theme of Lyn giving and giving. She freely offers help to those who need it and offers opportunities, tasks, jobs, and even alternative places to live. Furthermore, she offers free guides and spreadsheets to those who read her book. These are provided within the chapters, with links to view the free materials.

“I’m trying to give away all this free advice, so people who don’t have money can still be successful.”- Lebeau

Lyn is humble, selfless and has a huge heart. She has a passion to see others succeed and is always willing to aid when possible.

“You can be a successful real estate investor and care about people, it’s not one or the other. Make sure to always do the right thing.” - Lebeau

When Lyn reaches her next financial milestone, she is planning to write a second book. Stay tuned for that! One of Lyn's goals, for the upcoming season, is to start a mission in a third world country, that will help those in need. If reading this has sparked an interest in you, and you're interested in having Lyn coach you on your journey into real estate, connect with her by email at or find her on Facebook at Lyn Vincent Lebeau.

“ Just do it, just take action, you’ve got to take that first step, you’re going to feel scared, and it’s okay to feel scared you just need to get beyond that and realize investing in real estate can be scary but it’s not that hard.” - Lebeau

Special Interview with Lyn Lebeau - Video below

The below message is transcribed from the video at the bottom of this page.

So as I was writing the book, I had already invested in multiple properties at the time and wanted to share my story with other people, because most people think that you need money to be able to invest in real estate, and I had none so when I started investing in real estate. I used other people's money the bank's money, other people's money and so, umm,  so I wanted to share that story because so many people think that they need money to be able to get into real estate and you don't I didn't and managed to be very successful at what I did.

So, I ended up closing on 18 deals within 12 months. And so anyway, I wanted to share my story so that other people could take what's in the book and apply it and be able to be successful Real Estate Investors as well.

 So that's basically where I was when I was writing the book that was the purpose, and then from there, I decided as well that I was going to start doing some coaching to be able to teach other people how to do it. Because one of the biggest part for me was having a coach. I would have never in a million years closed on 18 deals in 12 months had I not had somebody that I can go to, to be able to bounce ideas and so on, right. So, I decided I was going to start offering some coaching.

So now I've got some coaching clients. Since I've written the book and I'm helping them to do the same thing as I did, you know, try to get them to do their first deal. The biggest part I find is making your first deal. Fear is really what stops most people it’s fear, right? So, I don't think the number one thing is the lack of money. I think it's the fear that's for the most part, and so overcoming that fear is one thing that I'm trying to get out there, you know, get the word out that it's, you know, it is scary.

I was scared too, and I talk about that in the book as well so that people can overcome that fear and take their first step in buying the first property. So that's basically where I am now, is I'm coaching some other clients to be able to do the same things I did.

Okay, so I started in May so I got a coach. I had to do that too because I have never written a book before I didn't know what I was doing. And so yeah, I got somebody to coach me to do it and we started in May and I didn't write much throughout the summer because my husband was off, you know a few weeks and stuff. So I took some time throughout the summer and I finished writing in November, okay at the beginning of November I sent it off to my editor.

And then from there what we did is we bounced back and forth a few times and it was complete by around the end of November. Yeah, and that was really, I was like doing that as I was working as well, right. So it's, so it wasn't just writing all the time. So basically I would take you to know, over a glass of wine after my husband would go to bed at night.

I'd have a glass of wine and I might start writing, he typically goes to bed earlier than I do. So and it was published in was it February? Yes, it was published at the end of February. It could have been published earlier. The issue was it didn't make sense to do it at Christmas. And so we decided to you know to push it a little bit.

So in throughout the book, I taught, you know, I start with you know, trying to get people to understand the overcoming the fear, right? So there's you know, there's a little piece of your brain is called the amygdala and it causes a fight or flight kind of response in automatically.

And so that's basically what keeps what gets people scared and it's not meant to be used when making those types of decision, like real estate, you know, it's meant for like the caveman time where you had to decide if you're going to run away from a tiger or you know for if you're going to fight and so, you know, it does have a place in you know, there's it's saved my life a few times where I just automatically made a decision.

And so I talk about that kind of stuff in the book in the beginning and then I go on to really what I call my two strategy combo and which is a big part of how I managed to 18 deals in 12 months.

So this combo a lot of people it was kind of funny because after I wrote the book I hadn’t picked up a book in like the time that I was writing because it was just no time to read. So the next book that I purchased was, was this book where I found out about the BURRRR strategy. I don't know if you've heard of it, but yeah, okay, so it was kind of funny because I was reading this book and I'm going oh, well, this is kind of my two strategy combo, right?

So yeah. Yeah, so basically, where you buy, you buy a property that needs major repairs, you know stuff like that but I shouldn't see major like some are not major repair some are just some repairs and but others might be major so you take it you buy it for you, you fix it up you get it rented out and then you get it financed.

And so this way here you can pull your money out so that you have your money for the next deal that you're going to do so that's you know, that's the way that I did most of my deals are a lot of them anyway, and so I talked about that and but then I talked about your team and your team is a really big part of your real estate. Whether you're going to be successful or not.

If you don't have the right team behind you and if you try to go at this alone, you're not going to be able to close on 18 deals in 12 months all by yourself, right.

You need a really good real estate agent one that works with investors, that understands your needs and so on.

You need, you know, you need a good accountant a good lawyer. You need a good really good property manager your contractors or your crew, you know, depending on how you decide to go about it. So I go in-depth about that as well as finding a really good tenant because you must screen your tenants well because it could be disastrous if you don’t.

So, yeah, so these you know and I talked about both my successes as well as my failure is because you know, I'm not perfect.

I'm not the smartest person, you know when it comes to certain things and you know, I'm not super smart and by any means but I did make mistakes, but even at that I still managed to make my first million dollars, you know, and now I did today more right. So now it's my, you know, first millions within it.

Well, I thought it was important because I can only put so much in a book right and I want to give so that people can you know so that people don't have to pay, you know, I paid $40,000 for you to be able to get, for my coaching, right, so but people not everybody and I say that not everyone has and I didn't have $40,000 to pay.

I had a credit line which is what I paid it with. So again, you know, I had no money right. I'm not good at putting, tucking money away.

So it's alright wasn't any way at the time. And so anyway, so yeah now I figure you know, if people go and get the book right now, it's only Canadian, it's only a dollar thirty or 99 Cents American like I'm trying to give it away right, I'm trying to give away this all this free advice of that people that don't have money can still be successful can still do this.

Yeah. So this week here at least, you know, if I'm giving them the spreadsheet that they need to be able to do their calculations and stuff.

I can't give a spreadsheet in a book.

So so yeah, that's why I'm giving those free tools so that people can do this on their own.

I'm debating. I'll probably write once I get to the next level because right now what I'm working on is getting myself to the next level. So I managed to do to get my first few million dollars right to my first few million dollars and now it's and I had to do it the way that I did it because I had no money, right.

So so, you know, I couldn't, I couldn't just say well I'm going to go buy this, you know, this 20 million dollar building right because where was I  going to get the down for it?

And so now I'm I've got a coach that's going to coach me to get to the 50 million dollar mark, the hundred million dollar mark.

And so they are my next steps to be able to continue to grow the business.

So I probably answer your question once I figure out how to get, from where I am today to the next level.

I likely will be writing another book.

There's that, there might be writing a book on like on leadership as well.

So, you know just to kind of diversify into the two areas because I am a CPA so and I do is I do business coaching as well. And so yeah, I might decide to write a book on that one.

Yeah, yeah, so that's yeah, it's kind of a funny story a few of us.

So the executive directors across Ontario were all concerned because you know the CEO of the company we felt was making some bad decisions and I did some calculations being a CPA. I did some calculations and I said, well, we've got 12 months before we're bankrupt and, and so what I did was I organized a group of executive directors. So we met without the senior management team.

So we all had areas, I was across Ontario but the executive directors all had their areas and so across Ontario that they took care of and so we got together and we said, okay, we need a plan. We need to figure this out because Senior Management is not figuring this out for us, right. So, we put together so three of us volunteered to put together a presentation.

And it was just saying stop like stop what you guys are doing because we're going to be going bankrupt we could turn this around and so we over again.

There's a theme here right over you know, a glass of wine. So the three of us we were all at a distance, but we were we're on the phone and so on and we put together the presentation and so we presented it to the senior management team and but we couldn't see their faces or anything so we couldn't have what they were thinking because we were all at a distance and there was just silence like they just said Thank you and that was it.

They you know, the call was done and they didn't do anything about it and I'm going oh my gosh, like we're seriously going bankrupt and, and but finally the board of directors woke up and change the CEO.

So the CEO, I don't know what happened. Nobody was said anything you all of a sudden she was gone and you know, somebody else was taken over the reins. And At that point, they brought in a consultant from outside the organization and to be able to help with you know, preparing for bankruptcy.

She was a bankruptcy expert. So what she did was she found it. I had done a presentation and she so she asked a few questions like who is this person?

And anyway, they said well, she's you know, she's a CPA and CA time, It was Chartered Accountants. Like there was an EPA and she was a CA as well. And so anyway just to decide to contact me and we chatted for like 2 hours on the phone. And then she says I'll get back to you and a few days later. She says, okay, you're in charge of the operational turnaround of the of Ontario and you're reporting directly to me now.

And so yeah, that's basically what happened and so I'm like, okay cool, finally somebody's like doing something about this. And so yeah, we managed to turn around I got somebody else to help me as well. We got a few people together and the two of us led the or the turnaround of Ontario.

And yeah, it's interesting because the first sight the consultant had told me she says don't bother with that one. Don't bother with the GTA. We just shut her down and I said no no, it's the wrong answer I said, just give me five days. Give me five days.

Like it does let me in there. I know how to fix this and she's like looking is it says you got five days if you don't have an answer like. So I get back in five days and boom. We have an answer we figured out how to fix it. And so I get back to her and she says, okay well, how long is going to take she says you've got to remember I think was said you got three months and if you can't if you're if it's not in the black and three months we're shutting her down.

And so I'm like, okay, so we went in and we just, you know did the turnaround and within the three months we were in the black and everybody was just kind of ecstatic there that you know, we've has to do it because that was the biggest part and then we went to the various sites across the province to do the same to you know, with all of them and then we did the same thing in Nova Scotia. So yeah, lots of lots of hard work, but it was worth it because the organization is still here today.

No, I had zero idea that I wanted to do real estate, umm the, okay so David was the guy so I call them David. So yeah, I just kind of change the name in the book.

But um, so yeah, I was trying to help him out because he was he had gone down a bad road and he was an old high school friend and you know, we weren't the greatest teenagers so umm, anyway, so I left Timmons, where I grew up and changed, you know turned my life around I was a single teenage mum.

So yeah a rough and so anyway, he went down the wrong path. I clean myself cleaned up my act and you know when I moved out of town.

So every once in a while, he would call me for business advice at this time here. He was asking me about this, you know, he's looking at this real estate property and you know wondering if he should buy it or not in any way, so so to try to help him turn his life around.

So lemme tell you, I'd always answer the phone because I always thought like if this one time if this one thing helps him turn his life around it's been worth it right to have answered the call. And so so this time here I decided, you know, I answered the call.

And then finally I said, well he didn't have any money to buy it and I asked him I said well, okay what if I helped you out and you know, I put my money in the bank's money not my money, but now so what if I helped you out. And but you need to stay clean.

You need to keep your act clean and you know any illegal activities the deal is done. So I put properties in my name and I would give him 50% of the after-tax of my after-tax dollars and for managing the property and fixing it up and stuff like that. So so that was the deal, but I had no intention at all to go into real estate.

I just wanted to help him. So then we bought the second one together did the same thing use the bank's money to do it.

It and then from there he kind of fell off the wagon over some really silly stuff. It was just I was really upset and you know, he knew he had done wrong and you broke the deal and anyway, so yeah, so that's basically what happened and then a few years later when I was trying to figure out how to replace my six-figure income. I was thinking well, okay, what if do I start a business but that's super risky because 90 percent of startups fail.

And I was thinking well, what about a franchise but I didn't have any money. So, you know, how would I get into writing kind of franchise can I buy with very little money probably wouldn't be anything that would bring in six figures.

And so and then I was driving to Timmins were my two properties were and the light bulb went off. I'm going OK. Well, what am I thinking just do more of this? Right? So I've got these two properties that I bought with the bank's money. Well, why not buy, you know, can I buy more with the banks? My money or somebody else's money.

So that's where it all started where I was driving to Timmins and I'm going okay, I'll just do more of this but then I figured well, I don't know anything about real estate and investing in real estate. And if I'm gonna do this like I'm going to be all in I better know what I'm doing. So that's when I picked up a book and then I started going to conferences and then I paid for coaching and all of that stuff.

It's kind of funny you ask that because one of my clients which I'm coaching, I think we have a call once or twice a week and she's you know, I'm coaching her on investing in real estate. And then finally she asked me.

Well, what if I just gave you my money and you can just do it, right? So anyway, I said yeah, totally, you know, I can do that for you and so still accepts, you know Joint Venture Partnerships and so I've got right now I've got I have four partners. She would be my fifth partner.

If I was to you know, if she decides to do this we're supposed to be talking about it later this afternoon. So, uh, yeah, the answer is yes. I do still entertain that right, but if they have to be the right partner because you know, not everybody makes not everybody's a good fit.

Right so, you know, just making sure that the right partners and so on with and then that was part of your question and then you the second part of your question… or private lending private lending. Yeah, so so yeah. I've got you know, I do borrow private money as well.

But I also lend out private money so we both I've gone too. Yeah, so I got I have some RRSPs that I figure if I cashed them out what I would have to pay 50 percent in taxes and I figured well, why do that so just lend it out. And so I've been doing that. as well

Oh, yeah, so, okay, let me just grab my book here to make sure I don't miss anything success on steroids. Okay. So yeah, yeah, we've got the goal. So you need to have a goal. If you don't have a goal in mind. You can't, you know, you're not going to you might buy a property might buy two properties, but that's always one of my first questions with my clients is like what is your goal?

Right? What do you want to achieve and to be able to come out with a plan? So if you know what your goal is, then you can come up with a plan to be able to figure out how many properties do I need to buy, you know, so my goal was pretty simple. It was I need six figures in cash flow and so so that I can you know if my job is gone tomorrow that I can still survive.

And so then I would what I did was every time I would purchase property, you know, I would add it to my so I have the spreadsheet that I would calculate. Okay, where am I at where I'm at, right so I know I need to get to the six figures and so, you know, I'm going to have to do so many of these rehabs to be able to get there.

So I had a plan in place to be able to get to where I want to get to know the other the next one is a commitment, which is you know if you're not going to commit. Well, you're not going to get to your goal. Right? And so that's pretty basic one action, so obviously if you don't take action, it's not going to happen and then you've got plus a coach.

Like I said earlier had I not had a coach I might have done one, Maybe two deals in a year because I would have been scared and not know what you know not knowing what I don't know really. Me so that was the coach and yes, so it equals success on steroids what I called it.

So I had done it in it. I had put that in a presentation at one point because I hadn't been asked to do a presentation on going from a single, you know, a single mom who couldn't fit could figure out could barely feed her baby.

Like I basically what I did is I there was a period where there was just absolutely no money and basically what I got to eat was whatever was left in my baby's bowl. I would make him, you know breakfast lunch and dinner and that's all I got to eat. So so when I go back to that some people wanted to know like how did you get from here to here? And so this is what I came up with this success on steroids, and I thought yeah, I thought it was worth putting it into the book.

I could not leave Joel on this street like the guys got a mental condition like he got he was in, apparently, he got run over by a vehicle as I didn't know that at the time I thought he was schizophrenic. And so yeah, I just, you know, we got there to evict him and I couldn't leave him on the streets as the guy had nowhere to go.

And so anyway, so finally I decided to put him into, I had a vacant one-bedroom apartment and so I put him in there and yeah it was it just one of those things right you just you can be successful a successful real estate investor and care about people right. You know, it's not one or the other and you just need to do the right thing. Like that's that was a big part of my theme of the book is just do the right thing.

And yeah, and you know, it's it could be a win-win right and so it was interesting when the sheriff told me I was crazy, he says what are you thinking he hasn't paid his rent and you know all this time and you're finally about to evict him then you're going to put them in another unit.

You know. Yeah, so it was pretty cool. Yeah. So but as he said, you know, it's, you know, it'll come back to you some way or another. He says he says to me you're the nicest person I've ever met he said, I've never seen a landlord do this before.

Um, yeah, so he but yeah, it was cool. I just love helping people. I've gotten my umm, the person that's picking up my rents and she's got she's doing everything for me now.

So she's so we started her off. She rented a place off of us that she was in a bad situation. She was going through a separation and we knew and she told us straight out. She's like, okay. I was a junkie, but I'm trying to clean up and can I rent off of you? And I'm thinking oh boy this could be this could go bad, right?

So yeah, my property manager at the time she was she's like, she's like Lyn you need to meet with this person. She says I I can't judge her. I can't figure it out, you know, so I went to Timmins and I did meet with her and I'm like, okay. Yeah. Okay, we're going to do this and so we put her into one of her apartment and then a few months later.

She says, you know, I've never worked and she's going to be like, I want to see she's probably close to 40. She's never worked in her life and she says to me or she said to Lisanne, my property manager at the time, you know, can I get a job at you to know, since you said well what can you do and just as well, I don't know I can clean so, you know in her apartment was pretty clean and stuff.

So we said, okay, so we started her with cleaning and then we got her so she'd have a few hours here and there and then after that said, well, you know, this is what can I do a little bit more and it's okay, so we'll get you on painting so we showed her how to paint and then so then we went from painting just the white, you know, whatever is easy the closets and stuff and then when we got her to the next level and the next level and now she's like, you know, she's almost running the show for us so now like a few years, so now she's collecting my rents.

She's got you know, she's fixing she's doing maintenance she's doing just basic, you know basic renovations and stuff.

And yeah, so she's gone doing even doing the showings and she's doing you know, the rental applications and all that stuff. And so yeah, she's and I could trust her. She's you know, so gone from a junkie right to where she is today and she's so proud of herself with her having been able to do what she's done. And so yeah, it's a lot of fun to be able to you know, help people out like that that you know, yeah. So I like I said, I had goosebumps when you're saying it because that's what I'm all about.

Right just the big piece just does it, you know, just take action. You've got to take that first step. You're going to feel scared and it's okay.

It's okay to feel scared. Just you need to get beyond that and realize that you know investing is in real estate is scary but it's not that risky, right. So that's the biggest part. It's you know, so it's don't forget is that piece of your brain that's just making you feel that it's really scary. Once you've done your first one the second one will be much easier once you and your second one the third one will be even easier.

And so just it's like riding a bike, right. So, you know, you'll you might you know, you might be scared of falling or whatever at first, but when once you've got to figure it out, then you're good to go. So really it's just, you know, take action do it. And you know, if you're worried like I was like you don't get your get yourself a coach and so that they can coach you through it right so that you've got somebody to lean on.

No Money? No Problem! Invest Today!

If you would like to see first-hand how you can invest with no money down, click the link below for a free strategy call today.

No Money? No Problem!