The Important Relationship Between Demographics and Investment Strategies in 2023

Demographic shifts have an impact on every industry. Tastes are influenced by a population's age, cultural orientation, economic level, and linguistic makeup, driving or stifling demand for specific items and lifestyles. Real estate, maybe more than any other industry, is shaped by demographic shifts.

Being a real estate investor, you should have a firm grasp of the relationship between demographics and real estate investing. Your success will be determined by your ability to position real estate offerings to appeal to your target market.

Where you buy a property, what kind of asset you buy, and how you position it will all be determined by your target demographic. If you're investing in a neighborhood with many young tenants, for example, you should market your property as a place where they can live comfortably. Consider how you might position your building to satisfy the demands of older renters and empty nesters if you're buying a property in a region with many retirees.

Learning to understand demographic data in a way that informs your investment plan will help you make more reasoned real estate decisions that will help you reach financial independence more quickly and effectively.

Did you know that your demographic targets will impact more than simply investment strategies. In fact, certain lenders won't lend against specific types of rentals that don't meet their own targets. One of the most common examples is student rentals. So, to ensure you are getting the financing you need, click the link below to book a free strategy call with our team at LendCity today.

Consider the Following Demographic Factors:

When looking for a new real estate investment, demographic issues should be one of your first considerations. Beyond the property's condition and price, understanding the type of individual the property is likely to attract will have an impact on your investment's success. Here are some things to think about:


Have a detailed look at the population data for the city you're considering investing in, as well as the population data for its metro area, which should go back at least five years. This will show you whether the population of that region is increasing or decreasing. Investing in locations where the population is declining is usually a bad idea. Even if real estate values are growing short-term, shrinking populations could imply a future depreciation.


Looking at an area's median age over five years might reveal a lot about it. Use the median age to help you decide what kind of property to buy. Independent living apartments and assisted living facilities will be in high demand in areas with many persons aged 55 and up. On the other hand, luxury condos and apartments are in more increased need in locations with a population of persons aged 35 to 55.

Statistics on employment

Rents are not as high in places with high unemployment as they are in locations with many jobs. Examine the unemployment figures in the area surrounding the town or region where you're planning to invest. If, for example, industrial businesses have abandoned the part and have not been replaced by equally dynamic industries, you may wish to look into other possibilities.

Job types and active employers

Examine the most common sorts of jobs in the area, as well as the region's most active employers. Is the local economy dominated by a booming industry, such as the tech sector? If that's the case, you'll most likely have a steady stream of high-earning tenants. The area may be more vulnerable to economic instability if industrial players are the dominant economic force.

Demand and Supply Analysis

According to supply and demand, what percentage of rental homes in the region are unoccupied? If your target market has a lot of unoccupied units, there's a reasonable probability your asset will be vacant as well. If you are looking to rent an apartment in an area with an excess of rental housing, you'll have to provide discounts or other incentives. While there may be a higher barrier to entry in a more active rental market, the returns are likely to be more constant and predictable.

There are numerous more considerations to make as you design your investment strategy. Is your target market, for example, home to a significant number of people who visit during the summer but leave during the winter? Is there a specific culture or industry in your chosen investment region that is a significant aspect of regional identity and pride? If that's the case, consider how you might be able to profit from it as part of your real estate investment strategy.

Discover How To Buy Unlimited Rental Properties With This Step By Step Guide

Addressing Demographic Challenges

Please start thinking about placement once you've figured out the demographics of a given location and how your investing plan fits in with them. How can you focus your investment on the people who will gain the most benefit from it? There are a few key strategies to think about:

Focus on the most common age group

Targeting the most prevalent age group in your market is arguably the best approach to ensure you're making a wise acquisition. Consider larger rental units or even single-family houses in desired school districts if you're investing in an area with many young families. If you're looking to invest in a room with a significant Millennial population, consider transit and entertainment alternatives.

Identify underserved sub-market needs

While targeting the most common demographic force is a safe bet, analyze the current housing supply and look for an underserved market. Suppose you're buying real estate in a college town with a large retiree population, for example. In that case, you might find that most of the existing housing is for students, allowing you to enter the senior housing market.

Invest in services and renovations

Once you've bought a property, utilize your knowledge of the area's demographics to renovate it to improve its value. How can you cater to your target audience's wants and preferences? Consider offering services to make your rental houses more appealing to the types of residents you want to lease to.

You may become a more competitive investor by learning to use demographic data in your real estate investment strategy. Understanding how to take advantage of groups vs. accessible units means getting the most out of your money. A demographically educated approach to real estate is one of the safest ways to buy property, even though it needs a lot of studies, due diligence, and strategy.

Once again, did you know that your demographic targets will impact more than simply investment strategies. In fact, certain lenders won't lend against specific types of rentals that don't meet their own targets. One of the most common examples is student rentals. So, to ensure you are getting the financing you need, click the link below to book a free strategy call with our team at LendCity today.

The Relationship Between Target Demographics & Real Estate Investing Strategy, With Scott Dillingham