Transitioning Your Investors From One R.E.I. Strategy To Another with Todd Dexheimer

Delving deeper into his background, Todd Dexheimer began his real estate investing journey nearly two decades ago. Initially flipping houses and investing in small multifamily assets, he slowly transitioned into investing in large commercial real estate spaces. His portfolio presently boasts a diverse range of properties from multiple states. Todd attributes his success primarily to his strategic transitioning from one R.E.I. strategy to another. This process helped him adapt to the ever-dynamic real estate market conditions and maximize returns on investment. 

Like most budding investors, Todd started with single-family homes due to their easy accessibility and relatively manageable risk factors. He read numerous real estate books, attended seminars, and educated himself about various industry aspects. As he gained experience and confidence, Todd noticed the potential of multifamily and commercial real estate investments and began transitioning toward these. Such a shift broadened his real estate portfolio and offered higher returns. 

Transparency was Todd's essential tool for maintaining solid relationships with investors during transitions. Todd emphasized how crucial it was to communicate his plans effectively and clearly. He educated his investors about the advantages and disadvantages of new investment strategies to dispel doubts or fears. This open communication was instrumental in keeping investors comfortable during transitions and helped Todd retain their trust and backing.

In line with his journey, Todd recommends new investors start small, possibly with single-family homes, and learn the ropes of the real estate industry. He advises them to invest time in self-education before jumping into more complex property investments like multifamily or commercial real estate. Lastly, he stresses that transitioning should be based on experience, knowledge and market trends, not impulse.

But first, if you want financing for your next investment and want to know what type of collateral may be involved, click the link below for a free strategy call with our mortgage team at LendCity to discuss your specific situation.

Understanding Different R.E.I. Strategies 

Host Dave Debeau sits down with guest Todd Dexheimer to discuss various real estate investing (R.E.I.) strategies available in the market. A seasoned professional, Todd Dexheimer sheds light on common strategies like fix-and-flips, rentals, wholesale deals, and more complex strategies such as real estate syndication and real estate investment trusts (REITs). 

Examining the pros and cons of each strategy, Dexheimer explains how different approaches can work for different types of investors depending on their financial goals, risk tolerance, and time commitment. He emphasizes that there's no one-size-fits-all R.E.I. strategy – it's about finding the one that aligns best with an investor's specific situation and needs. 


First, they dive into the world of fix-and-flips. Dexheimer shares his insights about this exciting but challenging strategy that involves purchasing properties, repairing them, and selling them for profit. He further explains that while this strategy can yield high returns, it requires hands-on involvement and a deep understanding of the housing market


Next, they delve into rental properties. Often considered a more passive form of investing, Dexheimer outlines the process of purchasing properties to rent to tenants and generating steady rental income. He highlights the importance of property management and knowing the laws and regulations to ensure a smooth operation. 

Wholesale Deals 

Switching gears to wholesale deals, Dexheimer describes how this strategy involves selling contracts of property purchases to other investors. This approach allows investors to make a profit without needing to purchase, repair, or sell any property themselves, but it necessitates a massive network of investors to succeed. 

Real Estate Syndication and REITs 

Lastly, Dexheimer elucidates on more complex strategies, such as real estate syndication and REITs. These options allow individuals to invest in more significant real estate ventures, such as apartment buildings or commercial properties, which would otherwise be out of reach for individual investors. He stresses the advantage of diversification these strategies provide, yet also points out the increased complexity and potential for higher risk. 

The Importance of Transitioning 

Todd Dexheimer, an experienced real estate investor, emphasizes the importance of transitioning in the field of real estate investment during his talk on Dave Debeau's podcast. He elaborates on how the absence of a well-planned transition can put the investor and their investment at risk. 

Dexheimer believes that gaining a comprehensive understanding of multiple R.E.I. strategies and the ability to transition between them provides investors with a competitive edge. It allows versatility, adaptability, and the money to capitalize on evolving market conditions

"Transitioning is not merely a process, but a key element in the investor's journey towards sustainable growth and success."

Many investors become comfortable with one specific way of doing things, often limiting their growth potential. It's this stagnation that transitioning seeks to combat. But it's important to remember that transitioning must be strategic and well-considered. Done haphazardly, it can bring more harm than good. 

Dexheimer highlights a few critical aspects: 

  1. Strong knowledge of market dynamics.
  2. An open mindset towards learning and adapting.
  3. Understanding the risk-reward ratio in the new strategy.

Dave Debeau concurs with Dexheimer's view, reinforcing the importance of effective transitioning. The host rightly points out the need for investor education: Letting investors know what to expect during the transition process, guiding them through it, and setting realistic expectations can lay the groundwork for a smooth transition.

In conclusion, transitioning is a vital component of real estate investing. It offers an avenue for growth, adaptability, and an opportunity to capitalize on market opportunities. But remember, it's a sensitive process that must be conducted thoughtfully and systematically.

Exploring the Benefits of Transitioning 

Dave Debeau and his guest Todd Dexheimer shared that transitioning investors from one real estate investment (R.E.I.) tactic to another brings several benefits. 

Optimized Investment returns 

One of the primary benefits of transitioning, as explored by Todd Dexheimer on Dave's podcast, is the potential for optimized investment returns. When investors stick to a single strategy, they may miss profitable investment opportunities. Transitioning gives investors a broader perspective, opening doors to diverse investment options. 


Versatility is another perk of transitioning strategies. Being adaptable and open to different methods helps investors navigate shifting market conditions. Versatility allows investors to tackle unforeseen market changes confidently, ensuring long-term success. 

Expanding Investor Skillset 

Lastly, Todd expressed that transitioning strategies could be an excellent opportunity for skillset expansion. Learning about and trying various investment strategies would broaden investors' knowledge base, making them more competent and well-versed. 

In conclusion, transitioning investors from one R.E.I. strategy to another presents optimized investment returns, versatility, and skillset expansion - all substantial advantages in real estate investing.

Identifying the Right Time for Transition 

As Dave Debeau and his guest Todd Dexheimer discuss, knowing when to transition your investors is crucial for a successful real estate investment strategy shift. It's about timing. So, what key indicators suggest it might be time for a transition? Let's break it down. 

Often, the market itself leaves subtle hints when change is imminent. These indicators could be a shift in market trends, changes in property prices, or even fluctuations in interest rates. Staying updated on these market signals can help you understand the right time to transition. As Todd Dexheimer emphasizes, "Read the indicators, not just the numbers." 

It's not just about the market but also about the readiness of your investors. Are they prepared for change? Have they expressed interest in different investment strategies? It's essential to gauge their mindset and discuss potential transitions openly. Remember, transparency and communication are crucial when dealing with investor relationships. 

Your personal investment goals should always align with your strategy. When you observe that your current approach isn't fulfilling your objectives, this could be a signal to adapt your R.E.I. strategy. Todd Dexheimer says, "When your current strategy isn't serving your goals, that's your sign it's time to transition." 

Risk assessment is an essential aspect of any investment strategy. It is critical to review the risks associated with your current strategy and how they can be affected by potential market changes. Todd Dexheimer states, "Be aware of the risk-reward ratio. It may be time to transition if the risks overshadow the rewards."

In conclusion, understanding the right time to transition involves keeping a close watch on market trends, maintaining open communication with your investors, aligning with your personal investment goals, and constantly assessing risks.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Transitioning 

In the podcast, Dave Debeau and Todd Dexheimer emphasize the possible pitfalls of shifting investors from one real estate investment (R.E.I.) strategy to another. The common mistakes discussed are classified into the following categories: Lack of preparation, lack of communication, and impatience. 

Lack of Preparation 

Preparing thoroughly before the transitioning phase is crucial. Todd Dexheimer explains that this involves educating oneself about the new strategy and understanding how it will impact the investment portfolio. This preparation should not just be theoretical; it also requires actual groundwork. "Have a well-laid plan and be confident about the outcome before involving the investors," suggests Dexheimer. 

Lack of Communication 

Communication is critical when transitioning. Keeping investors in the dark is a common mistake that leads to mistrust or confusion. Regular updates on the progress of transition, clear explanation of the reasons for change, and outlining the potential benefits are all essential communication aspects, according to Todd. "Remember, investors are partners in your business ventures; keeping them informed is respecting their engagement and trust," says Dexheimer. 


Transitioning is not an overnight process. It takes time and patience. Pushing investors too quickly to adapt to the new strategy is another standard error that could lead to frustration and, eventually, investor withdrawal. "Be patient and allow your investors to adjust to the new investment landscape gradually; they need time to understand and absorb," Todd emphasizes. 

In conclusion, avoiding these common mistakes can foster a successful transitioning process, benefiting investors and hosts. Implementing this advice from Todd Dexheimer can lead to more effective and smooth transitions, ultimately leading to a more profitable and sustainable investment journey.

Keeping Investors Engaged and Informed 

Keeping your investors engaged and informed is critical when transitioning from one real estate investment (R.E.I.) strategy to another. During their captivating discussion, Todd Dexheimer emphasized this factor when speaking with Dave Debeau. 

Todd Dexheimer stressed the indispensability of effective communication. For him, this isn't merely about letting investors know the facts about the transition. It's also about taking the time to help them comprehend the change, why it's necessary, and how it fits into an overarching goal or plan. "Clarify all doubts and ensure everyone is on the same page," he suggests. 

Another insight shared by Todd is the importance of regular updates. This could be through briefings, newsletters, emails, or face-to-face meetings. What matters most is keeping your investors in the loop about the transition and what they can expect. Trust is fostered by transparency, which is crucial in these scenarios. 

Finally, Todd underscores the value of encouraging active involvement. This isn't about letting your investors take over the transition process but about giving them a say and considering their feedback. An involved investor is often a happy investor, according to Todd. 

In conclusion, adopting these principles can be very helpful when it comes to keeping your investors engaged and informed during a transition phase in your R.E.I. strategy.

Final Thoughts: Todd Dexheimer's Closing Remarks 

To wrap up this enlightening episode, Todd Dexheimer had some parting words for the listeners that summed up his views on transitioning real estate investment strategies as a way to adapt and maximize growth. 

"In the world of real estate investing, it's critical to stay flexible and alert to market trends and shifts. The ability to transition investors from one strategy to another is not only a valuable skill but often a necessary one. The most successful investors are those who aren't afraid to change course when needed."

Todd had three critical pieces of advice for listeners: 

  1. Be Open to Change: The real estate market is constantly evolving — don't fear these changes. Remember, it's essential to adapt and grow with it.
  2. Be Patient: Transitions take time, and there might be some resistance initially. But with patience and understanding, you can bring your investors.
  3. Keep Learning: Understanding different real estate investing strategies provides the flexibility to shift among various options depending on the market's demands.

In this episode, Dave Debeau and Todd Dexheimer discussed the importance of transitioning investors from one R.E.I. strategy to another. It's an essential skill for any real estate investor who wants to remain successful in this evolving market. It's all about being adaptable, staying informed and having the leadership skills required to convince investors about the benefits of the transition. 

Never forget that the ultimate objective is to ensure the prosperity and growth of your investment. So, keep communication open with your investors, learn from the best, and, most importantly, never hesitate to make changes when needed. Thanks to Dave and Todd for this critical discussion until next time.

If you are ready to start investing today and want more information about how your mortgage may be secured – or are looking to apply for a mortgage today – click the link below for a free strategy call with our mortgage team at LendCity today.

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