Are Golden Horseshoe Real Estate Investments The Best Plan for 2023

In the world of real estate investment, there is no such thing as a sure bet. If there was, however, you could almost certainly find it in Canada’s robust Greater Golden Horseshoe region. For decades, this expansive collection of Canadian cities has been prized for its unparalleled natural beauty. Today, the region of eastern Ontario is the single-most vibrant economic and cultural center in the entire country.

If you’re considering diving into the world of real estate investment, you can’t start in a more lucrative location than Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe. From short-term rentals to industrial development and everywhere in between, the Greater Golden Horseshoe has everything a real estate investor could ask for.

Now, if you are interested in investing in real estate in this magnificent region, click the link below for a free strategy call today.

What is the Golden Horseshoe?

The Golden Horseshoe refers to a section of Ontario that sprawls along the western end of Lake Ontario. It begins in the Greater Niagara region on the border between Canada and the United States. From there, the Golden Horseshoe extends toward the city of Hamilton, curving around the gorgeous banks of Hamilton Harbor before reaching northeast to Burlington and Mississauga. Finally, the Golden Horseshoe reaches its end in the thriving metropolis of Toronto, Canada’s most populous city.

In the last two decades, the Golden Horseshoe has grown to encompass more than 8,200 square kilometres of urban areas, rural areas and developing commercial zones. For a real estate investor looking for the right opportunities, that’s thousands of square miles filled with potential.

Do what you want

In a lot of locations the world over, your initial choice in real estate investment project is dictated by your location. That’s not necessarily the case in the Golden Horseshoe. There are spots throughout the Greater Golden Horseshoe that will allow for any type of real estate investment you could want.

If you’re a veteran hoping to break into commercial real estate, the opportunities throughout Toronto and Mississauga are numerous. For those investors interested in short-term rental opportunities, Oakville and St. Catharines are gaining a prominent reputation as vacation hotspots. If an industrial investment is more your thing, the Niagara corridor sees more than $100 billion in freight every year. That shipping traffic requires hundreds of business sites and supports thousands of jobs.

Best of all, Ontario and its involved cities are doubling down on the Golden Horseshoe as one contiguous region. As a result, they are taking steps to make it easier than ever to travel from one tip of the Horseshoe to another. At the moment, you can make it from Niagara to Toronto in two hours. In ten years, it could take half that time, as a result of a new high-speed train system being constructed in the area.

An enormous number of immigrants

It’s no secret that Canada is seeing a massive influx of immigrants. While that flood has slowed somewhat during the COVID-19 outbreak, there is no expectation that it will remain slow as the world shakes off the pandemic. Once things are closer to normal, Canada’s Golden Horseshoe expects a renewal of the thousands of new Canadian residents moving to the country.

Toronto’s population has increased by 500,000 citizens to nearly 3 million people since 2005. Mississauga has swelled by 200,000, taking it to more than 800,000 people in the same period. Even once-passed-over Hamilton has seen more than 70,000 people during that timespan. Wherever you look in the Golden Horseshoe, new people are arriving every day who are looking for places to live and work.

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Limited building space

Even as more people discover the majesty of the Golden Horseshoe, even as contractors and builders rush to keep up with the demand for new housing and new industrial and commercial sites, developers in the Golden Horseshoe are running into a consistent hurdle. That is, they’re running out of space. To the east, the Horseshoe is blocked by Lake Ontario. The area to the north and west of the Golden Horseshoe is dotted with some of Ontario’s 630 protected areas.

In all, more than nine percent of Ontario is under some form of protection that prevents adding structures. That’s wonderful for the environment, but it’s also fantastic for savvy investors willing to put capital in the region’s real estate market.

Options at every price point

One of the best parts of the Golden Horseshoe (especially for rookie investors) is the ability to invest at any price level you want. For example, let’s say you’re just getting started in real estate investment. If you have the capital (and the financing), the natural point of entry is a single-family home. To break into the competitive real estate scene in the Greater Toronto Area, you’ll need $200,000.

That’s 20 percent of the mortgage on an average-cost home (about $750,000) plus the typical expenses that go hand-in-hand with preparing a house for sale or rental. Take that same money down the road to Barrie or Hamilton, and you can get much farther. That’s the kind of regional diversity that makes the Golden Horseshoe an excellent place for any investor.

There’s help

Whether you’re first breaking into the real estate investment market in Canada, or a pro looking to expand your reach, you’re going to need some help to get the ball rolling in the Golden Horseshoe. Fortunately, the region is filled with investment groups like the Golden Horseshoe Real Estate Investment Hub. This collection of real estate investors meets with the goal of connecting investors and private lenders to like-minded real estate professionals. Since starting in 2012, the GHREH has grown their collective portfolio to more than $8.5 million and over 70 properties.

The overall goal of the GHREH is to make it easier than ever to find fantastic real estate opportunities, as well as the professional assistance and capital you need to pull them off.

When you’re looking for diverse investment opportunities in one major region, the Golden Horseshoe more than delivers.

Real Estate Professionals in the Golden Horseshoe

We have searched high and low for real estate investing professionals in the Golden Horseshoe.  Below, you can find professionals we have researched and can confirm they specialize in working with Real Estate Investors.

To ensure the maximum success in real estate investing in the Golden Horseshoe, or any city, you should always use professionals who understand and work with investors, your income depends on it.

This list may not fully list all the professionals in the area, but the ones we have personally investigated and that we would refer our clients to.

If you’re a real estate professional and would like us to consider adding you to the list, please contact us.

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You can also click the link below for a free strategy call today,

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